How to attract downsizing seniors

as a realtor in the US or Canada

Conventional marketing tactics don’t work with seniors. In fact, introducing yourself as a realtor can be a conversation killer.

That’s because most seniors who are thinking about downsizing aren’t ready to talk with a realtor.

So how are you supposed to get them to know, like, and trust you?

Well, instead of talking about yourself and your credentials, start by offering them helpful, free advice about downsizing.

A 12-week interactive program for winning over seniors

Here’s what you’ll learn to do during the program:

  • Tailor your outreach to the audience(s) you’re trying to reach, whether that’s seniors, their adult children, or businesses that serve seniors
  • Come up with topics related to downsizing that appeal to your audience(s)
  • Choose which teaching formats (e.g. articles, booklets, seminars, quizzes) work best for you
  • Develop your own teaching materials or find ready-to-use materials
  • Build your professional network and leverage it to reach more seniors
  • Create a calendar that maps out what you’re going to do and when

To keep you on track, I’ll be hosting a weekly 1-hour group coaching call. It’s where I’ll help you work through any sticking points as you apply what you learn to your business. Plus, you’ll get to hear how other realtors in the program are reaching out to seniors and learn from their experiences.

And most every week, I’ll give you a practical assignment. Each assignment will form a part of your action plan for winning over seniors, which you’ll be carrying out week-by-week as you progress through the program.

By working consistently on your marketing to seniors over the 12 weeks of the program, you’ll likely achieve more than you would if you’d tried doing it on your own.

A lot of realtors who serve seniors feel guilty about not doing a better job marketing their services. They often can’t find the time, or they don’t know where to start, or they’re disheartened by their previous efforts.

Figuring out how to do all this on your own is hard. That’s because a lot of the marketing advice you’ll find online doesn’t work with downsizing seniors. Plus, using a trial-and-error approach can eat up lots of your time with no guarantee of getting the results you’re after.

This program takes a lot of the guesswork out of marketing to seniors. I’ll show you how to build your own marketing campaign with a focus on teaching seniors about downsizing. I’ll provide lots of detailed examples. And I’ll help you build your collection of educational resources.

Here’s what realtors said about my previous program

What’s the biggest thing I got out of Paul’s course? It’s being able to articulate my value to downsizing seniors. Now, I’m able to clearly and comfortably differentiate myself from other realtors without putting anyone down. Not just in writing, but in conversations as well. I got a listing last week, and I believe it’s because Paul’s course helped me think through my messaging.

Sue Anfang

Seniors Real Estate Specialist, Accredited Senior Agent

The one-on-one feedback Paul gave was really valuable. He gave me confidence. I have a much clearer sense of my target market now, what questions are in their heads, and what I should be writing about.
Lisa Sinopoli

Master Accredited Senior Agent

I certainly had my eyes opened to what is important to relay to seniors and their adult children. I felt very supported, which is important. Paul was so helpful, whether it was via email or Zoom meeting. The one-on-one feedback was a bonus. I didn’t expect that, but it certainly helped pinpoint some of the areas that I’m weak in and need to improve on. I’m very happy to have taken his course. Paul was easy to relate to. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him to anybody.
Magdalena Zecevic

Master Accredited Senior Agent

Paul used good examples to show us how to write customer-focused messages. I had an Aha! moment every class. It was all very illuminating and made great sense. I expect to double my income as a result of taking his course.
Cathy Burton

Master Accredited Senior Agent

What’s included in the program

  • New lessons every week
  • Practical assignments to help you apply what you learn to your own business
  • 12 weekly group coaching calls to keep you on track
  • Technical support by phone / email
  • A 1-on-1 session with me at the end of the program to review your progress on your action plan and explore next steps

Special introductory offer

when you start the program January 9, 2024

Option 1: Two payments of US$499

(one at registration, the other 1 month later)

Click here to grab your spot

Option 2: Single payment of US$797

(save $201)

Click here to grab your spot

Option 1: Two payments of CA$699

(one at registration, the other 1 month later)

Click here to grab your spot

Option 2: Single payment of CA$1097

(save $301)

Click here to grab your spot

Terms and conditions

including refund policy

What this program is… and what it isn’t

This program helps you build your own marketing campaign with a focus on educating seniors about downsizing. It helps you differentiate yourself as a specialist realtor.

However, this program does not teach you how to be a specialist realtor. It does not tell you what you need to know to effectively serve seniors.

That said, you can benefit from this program even if you’re in the process of developing your skills and expertise as a realtor who serves seniors.

Not sure whether this program is for you?

I’d be happy to go over the details to help you decide if it’s a good fit. Simply schedule a call at a time that works for you.